So this week has been horrible so far. I have had some pretty aweful contractions for the past few days in a row that have caused me to actually get physically ill from in the middle of the night. I'm so ready to go to the hospital and have this child. If my dr. called me right now and said, "Feel free to go the hospital at any time and we'll induce you..but you can't have an epidural", I would totally go right now! Is that not ridiculous?! I'm just so sick and hurting from having to work while I'm in this pain that I just want to get it over with I want to see and hold this beautiful baby instead of it kicking me 24/7! :o)
Now if I was on bed rest right now, it wouldn't be quite as bad, but I'm not and I am still working and having to walk all day long with these horrible pains. I've been really close to giving in and going in to the hospital this week thinking I was in true labor, but I managed to get the contractions to slow down on my own at home. I should honestly just go for a brisk walk when I start getting them again, so that I CAN go into labor. haha
Maybe I'll do that next time. I could go at any time and the baby would be completely healthy if it were born today. We shall see!
Friday, March 28, 2008
2-4 weeks left!
Posted by Christina at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
It's a GIRL!
If you can't tell by the pink writing, and of course the title of this blog, we just found out today that we are definitely having another baby girl! :o) We're thrilled, even though we were hoping for a boy. We will love her regardless and really we just want her to be healthy. That is, of course, all that matters. Her name will be Cadence Marie Wrightsman and she is due to be born by May 3rd, 2008. The dr. will be inducing me a week before that date if I don't go into labor by then. Yay! Just 3-5 weeks to go until we meet our little Cady! Yes, I'm already calling her by her nickname. haha
Posted by Christina at 3:29 PM 0 comments
Week 34
Well, I'm 34 weeks prego and still going strong. I have about 3-5 weeks left. The dr. is inducing me around April 25-28th sometime if I don't go into labor by then. I don't remember if I've said that before. I probably have. Anyway, this last month has been taking forever.
Spring break is over, unfortunately, and I'm back at work today. Part of me wishes I would have gone into labor yesterday, so that I could have another two weeks (which would have been 3 weeks off in a row). I'd rather do that than have a week off for spring break, and then another two weeks off a few weeks later. Oh well. Kevin thinks it is sad that I would rather go into labor than go back to work. haha I do agree somewhat, but I really just want to not be pregnant anymore and have this beautiful baby in my arms instead of kicking the poo out of me every moment of my life. I would also love to be able to walk again like a normal person instead of waddling like a duck, and have full control over my bladder again. That would be great. I would love that. I was really hoping that the full moon we had the past couple days was going to somehow magically break my water and put me into labor because of the wonderful gravitational pull I've heard that is caused by a full moon. It is true though. Many women go into labor on nights there is a full moon. Of course, I couldn't be one of those lucky girls. I know I won't be full term in 2-3 weeks from now, but it really is ok to wish I could go into labor right now. With technology and medicines today, my baby would be just fine being born at 34 weeks and most likely would go home with me.
Anyway, lunch break is over so I must get back to work. Everyone pray for my water to break immediately! If we all pray at the same time, maybe it will work! (just kidding). haha
Posted by Christina at 7:48 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Spring Break!
I'm so glad it's Spring Break! I really need a week to rest before this baby comes in 4-6 weeks. I can't believe how fast this 9 months has gone by. Thank God for a toddler to keep me busy enough to keep my mind off of how long I have left before this next one is here. It's funny though that we had Keira's name all figured out in month 4 of the pregnancy, and we haven't even decided on a middle name if this child is a boy and I only have about 4-6 weeks left. We have our girl name picked out (Cadence Marie). But if it's a boy, all we know is a choice between Cody or Cameron (maybe) and no middle name yet. We really need to get on the ball and pick something.
I don't know if I said this before, but we will find out for sure if it is a boy or girl on April 7th at our new OBGYN doctor's office. We had to switch dr.'s at 30 weeks into the pregnancy because my old OBGYN dr. was forgetting to do important things like take my blood pressure, take urine samples every appointment, give me my RH shot as well as the blood test to see if my body has been producing anti-bodies yet to fight off the baby, and check my weight (along with other things). So, we ended up having to switch and pay $600 some dollars to our new dr. because we were changing so late in the pregnancy. But at least that will pay for practically everything even after the baby is born. We will only have a small bill left after the birth in case I have to get a c-section or have an epidural/etc. That makes me happy even though it really hurt us this month financially by having to pay all that money all at once. But we will be fine again in a month or so.
Yay! I just can't wait for this new addition to our family to get here!
Posted by Christina at 1:02 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Week 32 of Pregnancy
This week has been pretty rough so far, and it's only Wednesday. Thank God for spring break next week. Last night I had some pretty rough contractions for a few hours. My awesome husband helped me out of course while I was feeling icky. I love him sooooo much! I ended up getting the contractions to slowly go away by taking a nice, long, hot bath and going to bed early. Today, my contractions started up every time I had to walk around at work (which is quite often). So, I didn't have much fun today with that.
I also went to the dr. again today to get my RH shot (rogam?) because my blood type is O-, and they ended up checking me out and also hooking me up to a monitor for about 20 minutes to check the baby's heart rate and my contractions. My contractions were about 3-5 minutes apart, but weren't that bad (intensity wise) at the time they monitored them of course. My cervix was closed though, so that makes me feel better. I'll go back to the dr. in two weeks for another checkup. I just pray that I can make it through the week without having to go to the hospital to stop contractions. Hopefully my body will recover during spring break from all the walking around at work that has been wearing me out so much and causing these problems. I really don't want to have to go on bed rest.
Posted by Christina at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
My First Blog!
Well, this is the first time I've blogged with this webcite. I used to blog a long time ago before I was married, but had stopped after a while. I think it will be nice to start up again and use this as a way to relieve bottled up stressed that I have now and then and to talk to friends and check out their blogs as well.
I guess Melanie got me into this after she showed me the webcite last night. I don't think I'll have a whole lot of time to blog, especially since I already use facebook and myspace to keep in touch with friends and family back home in Indiana. I also use it as a way for my friends and family see pics and videos of Keira and us here in San Antonio. And to top it off, I'm 32 weeks pregnant and will really not have much time after this 2nd baby is born, but we'll see! Maybe I'll have more free time on my hands that I think.
I'm married to a wonderful man, Kevin Wrightsman. We were married on September 24, 2005 in Terre Haute, Indiana where we are originally from. We met at the church we both attended in highschool sometime, but we had both been dating other people at the time but always had a crush on one another. After high school, I went away to college 2.5 hours away and broke up with my boyfriend. When I came home for Christmas that year, Kevin and I started dating. But, stupid me broke up with him when I went back after Christmas break because I couldn't handle a long distance relationship. Kevin ended up dating someone else later, getting engaged and staying with that person for about 4 years or so. Then one day, I had decided to go to my church that I hadn't attended in a while to attend a memorial service to remember people that had died that year. Kevin wasn't there, but his mom was. She gave me his number after the service ended, and of course I called him right away. He didn't answer, but called me the next day and the rest is history! We actually found out we were pregnant with Keira before we had gotten married. We had already set a date to get married, but of course bumped it up a few months to September 2005 instead of May 2006.
After Keira was born in April, I had gotten offered a job in San Antonio, TX in August 2006. So, a week or so later, we packed everything up and sold what we didn't want to take and left for San Antonio. We've been here since August 2006. Kevin is a GM at a Gamestop, and I'm an Assistant Speech Language Pathologist and work in two Elementary Schools. We miss our family like crazy, but we also love it here and love our church and church family here so much. It's the best church we've ever attended. That really says a lot knowing that I went to my previous church since the 2nd grade. I was used to a church of a few hundered, where you could slip in and slip back out after the service and no one would even notice you. They weren't really that friendly to certain people in that church. Basically, they had clicks which is really sad. We now go to a church where there are only about 30 people that attend on a Sunday morning, so you can't just slip in and go unnoticed, which I love. And everyone is so nice and they are pretty much our family in San Antonio.
About baby #2/pregnancy #2:
I'm due on May 3rd, 2008. I've already dropped, and this baby is pushing on my pelvis bone and my sciatic nerve, which causes a horrible shooting pain to go from my hip all the way down my leg to my ankle. So, at work, I am wobbling through the hallways, holding my belly up most of the time to keep this child off of my pelvic bone (even though it really doesn't work much) because gravity is taking him/her downward. If I could make it another 5 weeks before I go into labor, that would be great. But I am all for going 3 weeks early since I'll be full term. As long as the baby is healthy, I'm ready to get it done and over with.
I can't wait until Spring Break! I have one more week left and then I'll be home resting for an entire week. I really need the rest. I just really hope I make it through the week without having to go to the hospital. I've really done well with this pregnancy. I haven't had to go to the hospital yet, unlike my first pregnancy. With my first pregnancy, I had already been in the hospital 2 or 3 times already by week 32, and was on best rest at 34 weeks. I'm really proud of myself. But of course with my first pregnancy, I was really sick throughout the entire 9 months, which caused dehydration, which caused contractions, which caused me to start dilating.
I go to the dr. tomorrow to get my RH shot since my blood type is O-, and also hope to find out if we are for sure having a boy or girl. We are hoping for a boy, but if it's another girl that's ok too. I just love dressing my baby girl in those cute outfits and fixing their hair in cute pig tails and bows.
Ok, so I have to stop blogging now since this is super long, and also because I really need to get a few things done before Kevin gets home from work. Pics will be up later.
Posted by Christina at 12:10 PM 0 comments