Monday, March 24, 2008

Week 34

Well, I'm 34 weeks prego and still going strong. I have about 3-5 weeks left. The dr. is inducing me around April 25-28th sometime if I don't go into labor by then. I don't remember if I've said that before. I probably have. Anyway, this last month has been taking forever.

Spring break is over, unfortunately, and I'm back at work today. Part of me wishes I would have gone into labor yesterday, so that I could have another two weeks (which would have been 3 weeks off in a row). I'd rather do that than have a week off for spring break, and then another two weeks off a few weeks later. Oh well. Kevin thinks it is sad that I would rather go into labor than go back to work. haha I do agree somewhat, but I really just want to not be pregnant anymore and have this beautiful baby in my arms instead of kicking the poo out of me every moment of my life. I would also love to be able to walk again like a normal person instead of waddling like a duck, and have full control over my bladder again. That would be great. I would love that. I was really hoping that the full moon we had the past couple days was going to somehow magically break my water and put me into labor because of the wonderful gravitational pull I've heard that is caused by a full moon. It is true though. Many women go into labor on nights there is a full moon. Of course, I couldn't be one of those lucky girls. I know I won't be full term in 2-3 weeks from now, but it really is ok to wish I could go into labor right now. With technology and medicines today, my baby would be just fine being born at 34 weeks and most likely would go home with me.

Anyway, lunch break is over so I must get back to work. Everyone pray for my water to break immediately! If we all pray at the same time, maybe it will work! (just kidding). haha