Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Week 32 of Pregnancy

This week has been pretty rough so far, and it's only Wednesday. Thank God for spring break next week. Last night I had some pretty rough contractions for a few hours. My awesome husband helped me out of course while I was feeling icky. I love him sooooo much! I ended up getting the contractions to slowly go away by taking a nice, long, hot bath and going to bed early. Today, my contractions started up every time I had to walk around at work (which is quite often). So, I didn't have much fun today with that.
I also went to the dr. again today to get my RH shot (rogam?) because my blood type is O-, and they ended up checking me out and also hooking me up to a monitor for about 20 minutes to check the baby's heart rate and my contractions. My contractions were about 3-5 minutes apart, but weren't that bad (intensity wise) at the time they monitored them of course. My cervix was closed though, so that makes me feel better. I'll go back to the dr. in two weeks for another checkup. I just pray that I can make it through the week without having to go to the hospital to stop contractions. Hopefully my body will recover during spring break from all the walking around at work that has been wearing me out so much and causing these problems. I really don't want to have to go on bed rest.